
Souvenir del Mar

2006 Souvenir del Mar
Impressions of the Mediterranean immortalised in black and white photographs
Atelier Unna

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2006 Project PRIVATE
Individual residents of Unna gave permission to be photographed in their private spaces. At the end, an »encounter« brought them all together.
Atelier Unna

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2006 Made in Cuba

2006 Made in Cuba
Photographic exhibition
Umspannwerk Berlin Kreuzberg

2004 – 2005 DOWN TOWN

2004 – 2005 DOWN TOWN
Photo exhibition, street scenes from European cities
Atelier Unna

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2005 The call of distant lands

2005 The call of distant lands
Photographic exhibition with scenes and themes from Nepal, Pakistan, Turkey, Cuba and Europe
Atelier Unna

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2005 Trinkhallen im Revier

2005 Trinkhallen im Revier
(Drinking halls of the area)
Photographic exhibition and installation.
Typical scenes of kiosks and the renowned Drinking Halls in Ruhrpott
Atelier Unna

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2004 Cuban Arts

2004 Cuban Arts
Photo exhibition with an association of artists in the academic park Gelsenkirchen

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Joint exhibition at the Unna Art Association 2019

ART EXPERIENCE 3.2. – 15.9.2019

Das Künstlerduo Frauke und Dietmar Nowodworski präsentiert ihre Rauminstallation: HABITAT  
Ein Denkanstoß in Form von Lebensräumen und geistigen Freiräumen. Historisches Ambiente gepaart mit themenaktuellen kinetischen Skulpturen im Retrotrend lassen den Besucher die Kunst mit Witz und Poesie erfahren. Die Künstler bedienen sich vorhandener Alltagsmaterialien und sehen darin etwas Neues, Nicht-Vorhersehbares.
Eine neue Wirklichkeitsdimension, die auch der Betrachter entdecken kann.

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night of the industrial culture

6th of July 2013
participation of the night of the industrial culture Germany called Extraschicht

with our exhibition material in motion from 6th to 15th July 2013 at the former coal mine Ewald in Herten / Germany, nowadays a cultural habitat.

Night of the industrial culture

28.6.2014 Night of the industrial culture

cultural area former colliery Waltrop/ Germany in the central administration building of the MANUFACTUM
solo exhibition > > material in motion <<
up to 11.7.2014

UNE PALETTE DE TALENTS 11th of October to 2nd of November 2019

Participation in the joint exhibition with French and German artists
on the occasion of the 50th anniversary of the twin cities Palaiseau France
and Unna Germany in the Espace Salvador Allende in Palaiseau France.

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