

Co-exhibition at the ARTLETstudio Muenster at their
annuel project ART FLICKER 1.12.2018 – 201.01.2019

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ART TO TAKE Museum Barendorf – Iserlohn 03./04.11.2018

Co-exhibtion with kinetic sculptures at the ART TO TAKE 2018

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arthaus:nowodworski presents pictures from the photographer Henryk Brock. In his images he takes us to places out of the public view, once inhabited by people, now disregarded by everyday life or simply forgotten. He captured the here and now, the very moment out of the past with it’s hidden story.

In addition, Frauke and Dietmar Nowodworski  are showing new editions of their kinetic art sculptures.

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permanent & temporär

A permanent place in a flow of change.
New sculptures of sensation at arthaus:nowodworski

Start : 07.01.2018

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Déjà-vu wir sehen uns im Filmsalon

Experimental film in the open space from
arthaus:nowodworski and Felix Maxim Eller
02.12. bis 31.12.2017
daily from 17.00 h to  21.00 h

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Schauraum Münster night of the museums & galleries 2017 Germany

Participation at the Schauraum Münster Germany with the exhibtionTAKING PICTURES.

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KunstOrtUnna 2017

Project “CLOSE UP”
aprticipation in 23 art spots in a single day 17.09.2017

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SKULPTUR 2017 Muenster Dominikanerkirche 11.6. bis 24.09.2017

Sculptures in Dialog
Participation of arthaus:nowodworski with kinetic sculptures
presented by the gallery ARTLET-studio

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ARTLETstudio Karlsruhe
24.06.2017 bis 29.07.2017
Gemeinschaftsaustellung Sonja Tines (Malerei)
Frauke & Dietmar Nowodworski (kinetische Skulpturen)
Vernissage 25.06.2017    14.00 Uhr

Boeckhstr.4      76137 Karlsruhe

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02.07. til 31.12.2017 arthaus:nowodworski

Just in time for the summer season, arthaus:nowodworski presents their Kinetic art sculptures within a blue room installation. Even in Ancient times, blue related to bright cloudless skies, the depth of the sea and the longing for distant places.
Experience how the colour blue changes your perception and  wakes up different associations.
The colour blue inspires and invites you to take a closer look beyond the surface.

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Taking Pictures

16.10.2016 to 05.03.2017  arthaus:nowodworksi Massener Str. 24, 59423 Unna

A photoproject by Frauke & Dietmar Nowodworski

Photography is a vibrant subject which continually changes.
This project refers to historical photography, posing for portraits, capturing
scenes up until the trendy ‘selfie’.
Extended til 5th of May 2017

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ART & ANTIQUE FAIR 1.3. to 5.3.2017

ARTLETstudio presents amongst others objects of our KINETIC ART at the Art & Antique Fair Congress Center Muensterland
Muenster/ NRW Germany

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WIDE( R )KUNST Berlin / Germany 29th of Sept. to 2nd of Oct. 2016

Participation at the Art & Cultural festival WIDE(R)KUNST Holzmarkt Berlin / Germany
with video installations on the theme of ‘PEACE’ in benefit of the social project Viva con Agua 

Summer gallery Kulturhof Westerbeck

Co- exhibtion with kinetic sculptures from 01.05. to 03.10.2016

…more Informationen (PDF)

…show map

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The world puts a blind eye on the endangerment of nature.
Land, rivers and oceans become a scope of global experiments, focused only on
profit. Disregarding the change of climate, people put their most precious resource,
water, at stake-

14 th to 17 th July 2016 in the Millerntor Stadium – St. Pauli/Hamburg

…more Informationen (PDF)


millerntorgallery on Facebook


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